Tuesday, 21 January 2014

28mm sculpting...

My first foray into sculpting at this scale...
Initially I started with videos and web sites then found the great tutorials by Miniature Mentor- for someone new to this scale and techniques I can't recommend them enough.

Next was to trial all the material options. First up was green stuff/Kneadatite. I hated it, nothing like Sculpey and nothing like Apoxie Sculpt which I liked to use with kits. I couldn't understand how to detail with the tackiness and the short setting times. Next was Procreate- I had read great things about it and I do like it much better than Green stuff for its workability. Then after purchasing a couple of the tutorials featuring the Rackham artists I tried Fimo. I had recently purchased some Rackham pieces on Ebay and was blown away by their sculpts and gesture- a shame they are no longer around.
Fimo is brilliant- its cheap, holds the detail, can be smoothed with solvent and is just much much easier to work with than the putties. I am yet to bake a piece but so far- so good.

I’m learning a lot...

Friday, 10 January 2014

Dragon's Teeth...

The first pull from the Pinkysil mould painted up with a Space Wolf for scale reference...

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

On the bench...

A couple of new pieces of terrain- one an old Forge World piece I picked up and a barricade from Basicks. Having fun with AK Interactive's weathering enamels and engine oil.

And a line up of some Space wolves finished with some Secret Weapon snow and scenerey...